We deliver it to over 10,000 homes and businesses in the N2 postal code area from the first weekend of each month, normally we complete this by the end of the following week, but this is not guaranteed.
There is a map of our distribution area here.
If you are looking to promote an event happening on a date right at the beginning of a month, you could consider advertising in the previous month's issue (if it is not too late). Alternatively, it may be that The Archer is not the most appropriate vehicle for your advert.
The cost to advertise varies from £30 to £600 depending on the size of the ad. The rates has recently changed as of September 2022 (the first time in 20 years) and all the relevant information is detailed on our rates page here.
If you decide to advertise in The Archer for several successive issues, we offer a discount for a single payment in full as follows:
Period: | 3 months | 6 months | 12 months |
Discount: | 10% | 20% | 30% |
The copy deadline for any given issue is the nearest Friday to the 14th of the month before the issue in question. It is 3 weeks before we start distributing the paper. The dates of the deadlines for the next three issues will always be found on page 2 of the current issue. The dates of the deadlines for the next twelve issues may also be found here.
If you advertise with us for several months running, you are welcome to change your artwork at any time, provided we receive your instructions before the relevant copy deadline.
Certainly, we prefer a professionally designed ad creative to be used. This should be supplied in the standard formats, shown on the advertising information page.
Supply in a PDF format, ensure that all fonts are embedded. For JPEGs, the resolution should be at least 200 DPI, and the fonts at least 10 points. All colour artwork should be 4 colours (CMYK) not 3 colours (RGB). If you are unable to convert the colour coding yourself, we can do this, but there is no guarantee that the colours will stay exactly as submitted. All other artwork should be saved as greyscale.
Should you decide to use a graphic designer please convey these points to them.
We highly recommend if you designing yourself, that you do so in Canva, a free online graphics design tool. Below are the links to hundreds of templates in our standard formats;
We can design an advert for you if you would like to email your copy to us; there is no charge for this, but we can only do basic layouts. You can email pictures and graphics such as your logo to us as well and we will include them if there is room. You are welcome to ask our advice regarding wording and layout, but the responsibility for this ultimately rests with you, the advertiser. We will produce a proof and send it to you by email for final agreement.
Once you have confirmed that you wish to advertise with us, we will email you an invoice. Please note that we are not registered for VAT.
Our terms are strictly Payment in Advance of Publication, and you will need to pay for each month's advert by the Wednesday following the deadline for that month.
The easiest way to pay us is by making an online transfer from your bank account to ours - details at the foot of the invoice. This is how most of our advertisers pay us.
Other arrangements may be made at our discretion, but we regret we are unable to accept payment by credit or debit card.
As our paper is read from cover to cover by most of our readers, we do not offer a choice of page, and we don't regard any given page as preferable placing, except for the front and back pages. However, please note that at present they both have their full complement of advertisements, and that is likely to remain the case for the foreseeable future.
Adverts are placed at the foot of each page. We do not offer preferential placing on the page.
We regret we do not deliver leaflets, either as inserts or separately. We would advise you to go to a commercial deliverer such as Royal Mail.
We encourage people to submit articles for publication. They should be about events, issues and features of East Finchley. There is no charge for this, but all articles submitted will be judged on their own merits, and subject to editing where necessary.
We do not accept requests for paid-for articles (advertorial), advertisements that are conditional on an article being published, or wrap arounds.
We do not have a classified advert section, but you are welcome to enquire about the cost of our smaller sized adverts.
Further information is on the advertising information page, such as advert sizing.
Forthcoming deadlines for acceptance of advertising copy are:
Issue | Deadline | |
Issue | Deadline | |
2025 | ||
March | 14/02/2025 | |
2025 | March | 14/02/2025 |
April | 14/03/2025 | |
April | 14/03/2025 | |
May | 11/04/2025 | |
May | 11/04/2025 | |
June | 16/05/2025 | |
June | 16/05/2025 | |
July | 13/06/2025 | |
July | 13/06/2025 | |
August | 11/07/2025 | |
August | 11/07/2025 | |
September | 15/08/2025 | |
September | 15/08/2025 | |
October | 12/09/2025 | |
October | 12/09/2025 | |
November | 10/10/2025 | |
November | 10/10/2025 | |
December | 14/11/2025 | |
December | 14/11/2025 | |
2026 | ||
January | 12/12/2025 | |
2026 | January | 12/12/2025 |
February | 16/01/2026 | |
February | 16/01/2026 |